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Fiewin Bonuses and Rewards

Earning money through the FieWin App extends beyond just playing games and winning. There are numerous alternative methods available that can generate substantial income within the FieWin platform.

Ways to Earn Rewards on Fiewin

Daily Rewards

Task Reward

Invitation Commission

Agent Event

Daily Rewards

Registered users of FieWin app get the chance to open lucky draw and get prizes daily. On every 7th day, users get the golden chance to open the Treasure Box which can give you money up to 1000 Rupees. To open get the reward, click on Check In button on the home screen. And then Click on Check in button. Money you get in this draw is deposited in your account and can be withdrawal in bank accounts.

Task Reward

FieWin App also provide task rewards to it’s users for completing specific reward such that First Recharge, Learn to Recharge, First Invitation, Orders. To get these task reward click on the Task Reward button on the Dashboard.

Invitation Commission

This is one of the most preferred and easy method to earn handsome amount of money in FieWin without any risk and hardwork. You have to just Invite other people to play FieWin with your link and if your invitees play FieWin, some percentage of money is credited in your account. You can use different methods to increase the number of invitees. Many people are earning more than lakh of rupees daily.

Agent Million Cash Growth Plan

This method of earning money is related to effective users. First of all let us discuss, what is effective user. So effective user is the invitee who makes the recharge of more than 100 rupees. So there are certain rewards on completing certain number of Effective users. To start the task, click on the Invite Section and then Click on the Agent Million Cash Growth Plan. Complete the task and receive the reward.